Each day, nearly 100 babies/neonates are born diagnosed dependent to opioids.  While in utero the fetus absorbs through the placenta upwards of 100% of the opiates ingested by its mother who, by comparison, only receives 70% of the opiates.  From the moment the umbilical cord is cut the newborn begins a tortious and excruciating process…

In the course of providing legal representation in a commercial tenant holdover proceeding, culminating in a trial, the court dismissed the petition in its entirety, handing our client a complete victory. June 2017- Dismissal of Complaint; Court agrees to dismiss the complaint as against our client in its entirety, allowing our client to avoid defending…

We submitted a brief on behalf of our client who was named as a defendant in a commercial dispute, that included claims to pierce the corporate veil.  We moved to dismiss the piercing the corporate veil claims on the grounds that plaintiff had provided insufficient facts to allow the claim to go forward, and the…

As we approach the busiest season of the year, fireworks retailers and display companies can expect an inspection from one, if not several, law enforcement and regulatory agencies. These inspections are deliberately timed to occur during your busy season due to the increased level of activity and are oftentimes unannounced (especially federal investigators).  The best…

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