[Due to the fact that many businesses will soon be ramping up for the upcoming sales season, coupled with the fact that April 15 arrives even sooner, I have received many requests for advice regarding employee-independent contractor classification. This article is a reprint of an article analyzing the issue.] The Internal Revenue Service, and its…

In last month’s column I discussed the preparation process leading up to your deposition; in this month’s article, I discuss how a witness should conduct himself at the deposition. Remember, depositions can, and do, win or lose cases. Your adversary’s attorney is a professional who is trained to extract information from you that is both…

[First and foremost, this article is dedicated to the memory of Dotty Drewes] In the December 2012 edition of the ATF Explosives Industry Newsletter, the ATF released a list of the six most frequently-cited violations during the 5-year period of 2006-2011. These six violations represent, in the aggregate, over fifty percent (50%) of the total…

Depositions can, and do, win or lose cases. Consequently, it is of utmost importance that you give depositions (sometimes also referred to as examinations before trial, or EBTs) your full attention. These observations are equally valid for the witnesses produced by the plaintiff(s) as well as by the defendant(s). This article will highlight the process…

In a perfect world, every customer would pay their bills within the time provided, usually within thirty days. In reality, we oftentimes find that getting paid is one of the most frustrating and unglamorous of jobs. This article describes some methods of improving your chances of avoiding bad debt. As a business owner, it is…

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