Hardly a week goes by without the announcement of another measure being proposed to regulate the fireworks industry. This feeling is likely shared by most readers; and, your pain is aptly echoed by a far greater authority of regulatory behavior, Billie Vincent, a former security director for the Federal Aviation Administration, who declared “Do you…

Dateline-Orlando, FL For those readers who could not attend the APA’s annual convention celebrating 60 years, you missed one spectacular event that was attended by hundreds of members of the APA, many of them fireworks royalty. The attraction of the APA annual convention is such that it seems as if every important industry member—in manufacturing,…

Last month’s article regarding how to initially respond to an ATFE notice of revocation elicited numerous requests for more information on this topic. That article discussed the various preliminary steps that should be undertaken to best protect your rights. This article will discuss the discovery process that follows the submission of an answer to the…

The appeal of Internet and mail order sales of consumer fireworks can not be overstated. The ability to reach a national marketplace from one location is a powerful incentive for any retailer that wants to increase sales revenues. However, before any fireworks retailer commences to offer consumer fireworks on the Internet or by mail order,…

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